Guadalcanal Police appeals for safe driving and roads

The Guadalcanal Provincial Police during the weekend, (Saturday 30 December & Sunday 31 December) and recorded 405 traffic checks.

Guadalcanal Provincial Police Operational Commander (Ops Commander), Superintendent John Koloni says, “On 30 December 2017, my Traffic officers attended two separate incidents one at Cross Road area where a car collided with a pole in which the driver was assisted by police to hospital; and the other was at Henderson Main Road where a car collided with another car from behind.”

“The two incidents are alleged to be of careless driving,” adds Ops Commander Koloni.

Superintendent Koloni says, “On 31 December 2017, my officers were conducting traffic checks along Henderson Main Road and recorded a total of 405 checks with two registered cases for alleged driver without driving license and unlicensed motor vehicle; and 70 kwaso bottles and 48 beers confiscated from cars.”

Superintendent Koloni says, “I am pleased with the report reaching my office, many vehicle drivers are very cooperative to my officers during the checks, in providing all required licensing documents for their vehicles.”

“I want to remind all vehicle drivers and passengers, no one is expected to consume alcoholic in vehicles while in public areas and roads and this is to avoid you being caught by police,” says Ops Commander Koloni.

Operational Commander Koloni adds, “Drivers and people moving about roads are encouraged to promote safe driving and roads, being cautious at all times to avoid accidents and so have respect to other road users not to throw objects, or prevent progress of vehicles on roads.”