Police in Western Province alerted of a death at Vonavona Lagoon

Police in Western Province today (05 January 2018) investigating a death of man in his 20’s, allegedly attacked by a crocodile just outside Barasipo Village about 20 metres outside from the shore, of Vonavona Lagoon in the Western Province.

It is alleged the man went on a diving trip with another man in the evening of yesterday (04/01/2018) and was attacked by a reptile while diving.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “My officers at Noro Police Station are investigating the incident and this is normal investigation, all deaths are to be investigated thoroughly and the findings to be submitted to the coroner for determination.”

“My condolence to the families of late deceased for this unfortunate outcome, our prayers with you and may his soul rest in peace with our good Lord,” says PPC Lenialu.

“I also appeal to anyone with information about the incident to come forward to Noro police and assist with whatever information,” adds Mr. Lenialu.

Chief Superintendent Lenialu says “People should be more careful of crocodiles if sighted in the sea, at coastal areas, rivers, creeks and streams.”

Police at Noro can be contacted on phone number 61005 or call free toll line 999 Police Communication Centre in Honiara.