Renbel Police officers maintains policing duties

Police at Tingoa Police Station in the Rennell-Bellona Province are continuing their policing duties including conducting high visibility patrols and community visits around the province.

“Although we are understaffed with only five officers at post we are continuing to do our policing duties in and around the communities here,” says Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Rennell-Bellona Province, Sergeant Mick Pongi.

He adds: “This includes visiting communities to hold awareness talks and conducting high visibility patrols, attending to reports and making arrests.”

“Despite our challenges, we will continue with our community outreach and patrols in the coming months,” says Sergeant Pongi.

“I would like to thank the communities for their continuous support and appeal to people in Rennell-Bellona Province to cooperate with the Police address issues affecting them. Police cannot do its work without the support of members of the communities. Let us all work together for the betterment of the good people of this province,” says Supervising PPC Pongi.