Communities welcome police initiative to curb illegal activities in Makira Ulawa Province

A team of police officers from Kirakira Station, in Makira Ulawa Province successfully completed a week's tour of Ugi Island as part of the Crime Prevention Strategy; from 12 -16 January 2018.

Provincial Police Commander Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “Following the arrest of two female teenagers over the festive season at Umara village led to the need for police to do more awareness talks.”

PPC Sitai adds, “The aim of the awareness is to educate people about the Family Protection Act implementation and also to get the support of community members on Ugi Island to try to curb illegal activities such as home-made alcohol, the growing, use and sale of the dangerous drug marijuana.”

He says, "The brewing and sale of home-made alcohol without a license authorised by the Minister responsible is against the law and so is growing, use, possession and sale of marijuana.”

The police team visited Makia, Hunuta, Mwanipua, Tawarodo and Marou Villages during the tour of on Ugi Island.

“I am pleased with the outcome of the tour of Ugi and thank you the members of the community for their support in making the tour a success," says PPC Sitai.

Superintendent Sitai adds, “I appeals to other communities in Makira Ulawa province to do the same and work closely with the police to ensure these illegal activities do not happen in our communities.”