Australian school girl assists Seif Ples

Victims of domestic violence in Honiara recently benefited from a donation of $1,000 Australian dollars to the Seif Ples in Honiara by an Australian school girl.

During an earlier visit to Seif Ples, Ms Isabella Tanti, the daughter of the current Commander of the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) visited the staff at Seif Ples and was so taken with the work of the staff at the Centre she was committed to assist them.

During the visit she was able to see firsthand how Seif Ples uses donations to help the delivery of supplies to help victims of domestic violence during the difficult Christmas period.

On her return to Australia, with the support of teachers and other students, she successfully led fundraising efforts through the Telopea High School in Canberra. She was able to present a cheque recently to Seif Ples in support of their good work.

Seif Ples is a refuge for victim survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and it is located at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara. It offers medical services, emergency accommodation and assists victims to be referred to the RSIPF if they wish.