Police investigates death of a male person in East Honiara

Investigators from the National Criminal Investigations Department and Naha Police CID are enquiring into the death of a male person in his 50’s at the Guadalcanal Province Warehouse in Ranadi, East Honiara on 24 January 2018.

“Information reaching Police say the deceased left his home to the said warehouse on the morning of 24 January 2018. He did not return until his body was found inside the warehouse in the afternoon,” says Assistant Commissioner Crime, Ian Vaevaso.

AC Vaevaso adds, “Police responded to the report and transported the body to the National Referral Hospital for a post-mortem.”

“The investigation is currently ongoing and I kindly appeal to the members of the public to come forward with any information that will assist police in its investigation into this death,” says AC Vaevaso.

Police can be contacted through the Police Communication Centre on phone 23666 or the toll free 999.