Police successfully rescues fishermen in WP

Police officers in Gizo, Western Province have successfully rescued three fishermen south west of Vella la Vella Island after they ran out of fuel during a fishing trip.

This came after officers in Gizo received a report from a relative of the trio that they were floating between Kolombangara Island and a fishing rafter.

“It was reported the three men went out on a fishing trip in the early morning of 24 January 2018 on board a ray boat powered by a 15 horse power engine and ran out of fuel,” says Provincial Police Commander, Western Province, Chief Superintendent, Mathias Lenialu.

He adds, “After receiving the report, we deployed our officers to search for the missing boat and they found the three fishermen this morning 11 nautical miles south west of Vella la Vella Island, safe and well. My officers have transported the three fishermen back to their families.”

“I want to appeal to the people of Western province to always think about your safety first before travelling. Make sure that you have sufficient fuel, water and food for the trip and notify your relatives about your trip including your expected time of arrival. People must check SIBC or the Met Service on phone 23856 or toll free 933 for the latest weather report,” says PPC Lenialu.