Police to keep watch on car wash in East Honiara

Police in Honiara are closely watching activities at the Kola Ridge car wash in East Honiara following several assault incidents reported in the area.

Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City, Alfred Uiga says, “the latest report is of a male person allegedly receiving three knife cuts on his body in the Kola Ridge cash wash area on 21 January 2018. It is alleged that the victim is the suspect’s nephew and that the same offender had assaulted another male person at the same location earlier.”

“Police is concerned about these reports and we intend to increase our patrols of the area as it seems that people are now settling there with a number of businesses being established in the area to service the car wash,” says PPC Uiga.

Police also plan to discuss with the Honiara City Council the legality of the car wash being established at the Kola Ridge area.

“We don’t want to disturb any legally established business but when law and order is being disturbed police have the responsibility to investigate the legality of such settlements like the one around the car wash along the Kola Ridge road,” says PPC Uiga.