Road users urged to think safety

Road users in Honiara and all throughout the provinces are urged to think safety during the current wet season when travelling on the roads.

Director of the Traffic Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Inspector, Brian Surimalefo makes the call in the midst of the current bad weather being experienced throughout the country.

“Safety on the road begins with all of us, whether you are a vehicle driver or pedestrian it is always our duty to think about others’ safety,” says Inspector Surimalefo.

He adds: “As drivers, we must concentrate taking into consideration the state of the roads as a result of the bad weather. Furthermore, we must not create extra lanes just because the traffic is slow but exercise some patience.”

“Pedestrians are also encouraged to take care when walking along the foot paths. Do not play along the roadsides and always remember due to the wet weather the roads are slippery.”

“Drivers in the provinces are reminded to take extra care as sometimes you have to drive across streams and rivers with no bridges. Check how deep the water is before attempting to cross any waterway,” says, Traffic Director Inspector Surimalefo.