Police investigate attempted suicide in Malaita Province

Police in Auki, Malaita Province are investigating an alleged attempted suicide involving a 60-year-old male who set fire to his own dwelling house at Kafomara village, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province on 23 January 2018.

Provincial Police Commander, Malaita Province, Superintendent Timothy Apaesi says, “The victim lived alone for a few months and became depressed after his wife went to live with her daughter who was married to a man from North Malaita.”

PPC Apaesi says, “We received a report from the community on the incident and responded accordingly and transported the victim to Kilu’ufi Hospital.”

“Luckily people in the village saw what happened and rescued the man from the burning house,” says Superintendent Apaesi.

The victim is now recovering at the Kilu’ufi Hospital.

PPC Apaesi adds: “I want to encourage members of our communities to look after each other and make sure we check our old folks and assist them should they need help so we do not have such sad incidences.