Police warn public to be careful with electrical lines

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) warns members of the public to be careful and not to touch any fallen electrical lines lying on the ground during the current bad weather being experienced throughout the country.

The warning comes after a 49-year-old female died in Auki, Malaita Province over weekend as a result of being electrocuted after touching an electrical line which had fallen on the roadside.

Provincial Police Commander, Malaita Province, Superintendent Timothy Apaesi says “The female was on her way home when she saw an electric line was lying across the road. She attempted to remove the line not releasing that it was a live line. She fell to the ground when she touched the electrical line.”

“She was rushed to the Kilu’ufi but unfortunately she was pronounced death by the medical authorities there,” says PPC Apaesi.

He adds: “I want to appeal to members of the public not to attempt to touch any electrical lines that may have fallen during the current bad weather but report it to the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority(SIEA) or the police.”

PPC Apaesi says, “I would like to convey my sympathy to the family members of the deceased after the tragic sudden loss of their daughter.”