Respect Honiara Central Market -PPC Honiara City

The Royal Solomon Islands Police are concerned some people are using the Central Market in Honiara for illegal activities.

Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga says, “ Such activities like sale of marijuana, kwaso (home brew), causing nuisance in the public places like the market area and consuming liquor in such areas are all offences.”

PPC Uiga says, "Police will not tolerate any one involved in such activities at the Central Market area. The market place supposed to be a crime free zone for our market vendors.”

Chief Superintendent Uiga adds, “May I appeal to people who are involved in such activities to stop immediately. Market vendors and public in general must work together with police and report those people who are involved in the illegal activities.”

“Market vendors and public you can contact my officers at the Central Market on phone 22044 and report any illegal activities,” says PPC Uiga.