Man arrested for alleged arson in the Betikama area

A 29-year-old male has been arrested by police at the Henderson Police Station in Guadalcanal Province for alleged arson of a permanent house in the Betikama area in Central Guadalcanal over the weekend.

It is alleged the man set fire to the house at Betikama on 1 February 2018, when the owner was away.

The man has been taken to Honiara Central Magistrate Court and was remanded in custody.

Guadalcanal Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “Arson is a serious crime in law and it carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment if found guilty by the court.”

PPC Manetoga says, “I appeal to the good people living in Guadalcanal Province not to resort to violence, instead resolve any disagreement through peaceful discussions and dialogue. The burning of the house means the owner is now homeless."

He says, “I also appeal to people living in the Betikama area, more especially those close to where the incident of arson took place to assist my investigators with more information about the burning.”

Police at the Henderson Station can be contacted on phone number 36200 or call the police free toll line 999.
