Police Confirm missing persons found and safe

Police can confirm that the two persons reported missing since 3 February 2018 at sea between Tawaroga and Mami villages in East Makira have been found safe and well.

Makira-Ulawa Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “The two men went ashore somewhere between Mami village and Namuga station in ward 14 on 06 February 2018. Both of them were taken back to their home village of Mami after a brief medical check-up at Namuga clinic and their health was reported to be alright.”

“Let me remind the people in Makira-Ulawa Province, to always check on the weather before going out to sea. Check the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service on phone 24218/27658/20332 or listen to SIBC for the latest weather update. Always inform someone of where you are going and your expected time of travel; take extra fuel, paddles, life-jackets, torch-light, spare batteries, water and some food when travelling and do not overload your boat or canoe,” says PPC Sitai.