Police arrest male in GP for brewing kwaso

Police at Tetere Police Station in Guadalcanal Province arrested a 34-year-old male for allegedly brewing of kwaso (home brew) at Tatau village via Matepono area, North Guadalcanal on 9 February 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “My officers from Tetere received the report from the communities that there is an activity of selling and brewing of kwaso and my officers went and raided the said location around 4 am in the morning."

PPC Manetoga says, “During the raid my officers confiscated one farmer basket containing kwaso which was ready for sale and some cooking utensils and equipment.”

“Police at the same time arrested the suspect and brought him to Tetere Police Station to be charged and taken to court," says Mr Manetoga.
Superintendent Manetoga add: “The total calculated value for the kwaso confiscated is between $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 if sold.”

Mr Manetoga further stated: “This Kwaso operation will continue on which is part of the Kwaso action plan strategy the RSIPF is working towards.”

He adds: “I appeal to my good people of Guadalcanal to come forward with information on any kwaso brewing activities operating illegally throughout the Province so we can control the effect on our communities. Anyone with information should call the Henderson Police Station on phone 36200 or Tetere Police on phone 34508."