20-year-old arrested for burning house

Police in Tetere, Guadalcanal Province have arrested a 20-year-old male on 7 February 2018 for allegedly burning down a dwelling house at Kolona village, Guadalcanal province.

“My officers received the report and responded, on the same day, and arrested the suspect and charged him for arson and will be taken to court for a remand application,” says Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga.

He says, “Arson is a very serious crime with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, and it has been an issue nowadays that people tend to burn dwelling houses. Burning of houses is no way of solving problems but is a criminal act.”

“I want to thank the community of Kolona for working together with the police on this incident and my officers for their hard work.” says PPC Manetoga.

He adds: "I appeal to those living around the area to assist police in providing information that can help them with their