Police in Western Province praises Ward Crime Prevention Committees

Police in the Western Province commends the assistance of some of the Crime Prevention Committees (CPCs) in the province for their support of the work of the police during the recent Christmas and New Year Festive season.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “The CPCs for Ward 7 Vonunu , Ward 8 Buleana , both on Vella la Vella Island and Ward 13 Rarumana, on Parara Island were actively involved in the arrest of 15 suspects on 27 and 28 December 2017.”

All suspects were escorted by CPC members to Gizo and handed over to Gizo Police Officers.

PPC Lenialu says, “Most of the suspects arrested were allegedly involved in brewing and consumption of homebrew and other alcohol related offence, anti-social behaviour and domestic violence. I commend members of these three Ward Crime Prevention Committees for their great work in cooperating with the police.”

Chief Superintendent Lenialu says, “Such illegal activities are not accepted within our communities during such festivities as Christmas, New Year and other festivals.”

PPC Lenialu explains, “The suspects arrested have now been charged for the alleged offences and are waiting to appear in court in March 2018.”

“I appeal to the rest of the 26 Western Provincial Ward Crime Prevention Committees to follow the example set by the three wards in Vella la Vella and Parara and assist the police in maintaining law and order in our communities,” says PPC Lenialu.

The establishment of the Crime Prevention Committees in the provincial wards is part of the implementation of the Crime Prevention Strategy of the RSIPF since 2016.