Police rescue drifting boat at sea

Police at Gizo in the Western Province have rescued seven people who were drifting in a white ray boat powered by a 15hp engine near Vella La Vella Island on 9 February 2018

“The boat was travelling to Sambora Village in Vella La Vella from Gizo with seven passengers on board when they ran out of fuel and begun drifting,” says Provincial Police Commander, Western Province, Chief Superintendent, Mathias Lenialu.

PPC Lenialu says, “It was lucky that a Police stabi - craft was travelling back to Gizo from a patrol trip when the police officers sighted them waving for assistance and towed them to their home village.”

He adds: “It was alleged that there was only one paddle in the canoe and the men in the boat were consuming alcohol.”

“I wish to strongly remind people travelling by boat to make sure you carry enough fuel, paddles, food and water for your intended destination, and do not consume alcohol when travelling out at sea whether on a short or long trip as you cannot make good decisions when you are drunk. Think about your safety first when travelling at sea,” says PPC Lenialu.