Police Response Team conducts public order management training

The Police Response Team (PRT) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force as part of its preparation for any public order management conducted a training exercise with Central Response Unit (CRU) and Guadalcanal Police Response Unit (GPRU) at Hells point on 6 March 2018.

Director National Response Department, Chief Superintendent Stanley Riolo Says, “Officers who attended the training are mostly operators from Honiara City Police, Guadalcanal Province Police and PRT.”

“The purpose of this training is to maintain the capability of PRT, CRU and GP PRU in effectively carrying out their duties. There were total of 61 officers involved in the refresher public order management training,” Mr Riolo said.

PRT Team Leader, Sergeant Lionel Kapisa says, “With the public order management refresher training for two weeks I believe my operators can handle any situation when it comes to disturbances in near future.”

“We are proposing to gather all other PRU soon in preparation for our National General Election in 2019 but plans and preparation are still under way. Currently our PRT Instructors will go over to Auki to conduct similar training for PRU in Auki as part of the refresher training on public order management,” Sergeant Kapisa said.