RSIPF strong message for International Women’s Day

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) female officers took part in the march alongside other women in Honiara to mark International Women’s Day, today, 08 March 2018.

The RSIPF Commissioner, Matthew Varley during the police media weekly conference highlighted that the police is committed to the gender equality and progress of women in the police force.

More than seventy women police officers took part in the event, in Honiara.

Speaking to RSIPF women at Rove Police Head Quarters the Police Commissioner encourages police women to be role models for other women and girls.

“Today marks a very special day for you as police women. You all play a very special and important role in the police force as women and I fully support you on that. I commend you for your hard work,” says Police Commissioner Varley.

He adds: “I want you to be role models for women and girls in the community, stand up for what is right to make this country safe.

He says, “We have to work hard to make RSIPF stronger better and fairer for everyone in this country and we can do this by working together and alongside each and every one to make a difference for women and girls.”

“We have women in high leadership positions and also frontline, which means no role is off limit. There are women in various aspect of the RSIPF and I am proud of that and can say the police is promoting gender equality,” says RSIPF Commissioner Varley.

Commissioner Varley says, “Today is a very important day, not only for the country and for women across Solomon Islands, but also for the police force because we are very committed to gender equality and the progress of women through the Organization. We want the police force to represent the community it serves.”

“We are very committed in making sure the police force is a reflection of the community here in Solomon Islands. We work very hard on making sure our officers are available to meet and work with women in the community on issues affecting women and girls,” adds the Commissioner.

Mr Varley says, “Violence against women and girls in Solomon Islands is a significant problem and the key answer to that is also men taking responsibility for their role in ensuring the safety our women and girls.”

“Our message today, from the RSIPF on International Women’s Day is that your police are there to protect and serve the community, to ensure there is a safer community for women, girls and of course for all people.”