RSIPF PPC’s and Directors Conference opens in Honiara

Provincial Police Commanders and Directors of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force are attending their annual conference for this year at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara from 30 April to 5 May 2018 with the theme “Drivers of change through Community Partnership”.

The conference will focus on the police results for the past year and develop departmental and provincial business plans for the year ahead. They will also take part in refresher training on Command Control and Coordination (C3) and re-qualify in Operational Safety Training (OST).

During the opening of the Conference, Commissioner of Police, Matthew Varley says, “I ask you to think about the roles you play as senior leaders in the RSIPF and want to congratulate you on your hard work and successes in your respective commands.”

Mr Varley says, “However, I don’t want anyone to go away from this conference thinking that the leadership of this organisation is only about the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners and the Assistant Commissioners. Sure, they are the Executive Leadership team who help me plan and organise the strategy of the organisation. But you as PPC’s and Directors are out there every day and actually run the RSIPF business on the frontline.”

“It’s very important that you know and understand that you are my representatives in the provinces and in the departments of RSIPF. I want to emphasise the message that you as PPC’s and Directors are a crucial part of the senior leadership team for RSIPF and that is why it is important that you come together to update yourselves on the latest issues affecting our organisation and also develop your action plans to take back to your respective areas. Therefore I want to see some concrete proposals come out of your discussions at this Conference at the end of this week.”