Train the Trainers workshop on Crime Prevention Strategy

Fourteen officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) from nine provincial police stations are attending a five-day Train-the-Trainers workshop on the Crime Prevention Strategy in Honiara from 30 April to 4 May 2018.

“The workshop is to develop the skills of police officers from the nine provinces in the country to mentor their staff in everyday prevention policing and problem solving,” says Supervising Assistant Commissioner, National Capital and Crime Prevention, Solomon Sisimia.

AC Sisimia adds: “All trainers will have knowledge of the Crime Prevention Strategy and skills to undertake field-based mentoring in their home provinces.”

He says, “The training is part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy roll out to equip officers with the right skills and knowledge as supervisors.”

“I wish to thank the New Zealand funded Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) for supporting the crime prevention strategy,” says AC Sisimia.

“I encourage you participants to learn from this workshop and utilise the knowledge gained during the five days training.”

During a field trip today 1 May, the officers were given the opportunity to hear from Officer Commanding Station (OCS) Naha Police Station, Superintendent Jonathan Ben who addressed the participants on his experience in using a model called ‘Scan Analyse Respond and Assess’ (SARA) which has been incorporated in the Prevention of Crime Strategy for officers at Naha Police Station.

“The SARA model helps my officers vested with responsibilities to supervise officers to utilise the model into their report writing after undertaking jobs for example shift patrols, community awareness talks and as well investigations,” says OCS Ben

He says: “The model really helps to measure our performance and gives us a clear indication what follow up action is required for a particular job.”

“Mostly importantly, we must work together with members of our communities so that crime can be managed through a collaborative effort,” adds Superintendent Ben.

Addressing the participants, Superintendent Ben says, “Do not wait until an issue comes to your attention. Do not say it’s someone else’s business. We are part of the same community. Whatever affects any one of us, affects all of us.”

The Training is a SIPSP initiative with all sessions facilitated by officers of the RSIPF and supported by SIPSP Advisors.