Slight decrease in reported traffic cases in Honiara

The National Traffic Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has reported a slight decrease in traffic cases recorded in Honiara for the past week.

“For the previous week we recorded a total of 26 cases reported to Police whereas for last week only 22 cases were reported,” says Inspector Brian Surimalefo, Acting Director National Traffic Department.

Inspector Surimalefo adds: “The highest number of cases reported are that of using unlicensed motor vehicles followed by driving without a driver’s licenses, driving under the influence of liquor and careless driving.”

“Whilst our record shows that there is a decrease on these reported matters, I want to continue to remind vehicle owners and drivers to abide by our traffic laws and regulations. Make sure that your vehicles must be licensed, drivers must have valid driving licences before driving any vehicle,” says Inspector Surimalefo.

He adds: “People are reminded not to consume alcohol in a moving vehicle or when a vehicle is stationary in a public place. If you are going to take alcohol, assign somebody to drive your vehicle. On the same note I encourage members of the public to report this kind of incidences to police. Let’s all continue to work together for the betterment of our country.”