RSIPF scales down search for missing man in Honiara

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has scaled down its search for a male person missing along the Mataniko River in Central Honiara since 19 April 2018.

“Unfortunately the police has not been able to locate the body of the missing person despite extensive search since he went missing. The police search included officers from Honiara City, Maritime, Fire and Rescue and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Unit. Our condolences to the families, relatives, work colleagues and friends of the missing person,” says, Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Capital and Crime Prevention, Superintendent Solomon Sisimia.

AC Sisimia adds: “The police search was scaled down as from 1 May 2018 after a dive search by officers of the EOD Unit in the area of the Mataniko River from the Chinatown Police Station to the new Mataniko Bridge. Officers of the same Unit also dive searched on 26 April and 28 April but the River was too dirty to do a thorough search.”

“The final search on 1 May was the most thorough search my officers have carried out but sadly we were unable to locate the body,” says AC Sisimia.

He adds: “I want to thank my officers for the commitment and dedication in trying their very best in searching for the missing person. I also want to thank the relatives of the missing person for their patience and confidence in the Police. We have done what we can do by exhausting all possible avenues during the search.”

“I want to call on the travelling public from the Central and Isabel provinces and other mariners to keep a look out while travelling in the waters near Honiara. Please call Police Communication on 23666 or the toll free 999 should you notice any suspicious objects,” AC Sisimia adds.