RSIPF officers complete the Crime Prevention Strategy train-the-trainer workshop

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) responsible for the roll out of the Crime Prevention Strategy into the communities throughout the country are now equipped to assist other officers to train members of the Ward Crime Prevention Committees.

This follows the completion of the four-day Crime Prevention Strategy (CPS) Train the Trainer’s workshop which ended today 3 April 2018 at the Rove Police Headquarter in Honiara.

During his closing remarks, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Operations Gabriel Manelusi says, “First I would like to express the appreciation of the RSIPF Executive to the New Zealand Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) Team Leader and Advisors for facilitating this workshop. I believe the RSIPF officers who attended the workshop greatly benefitted from it.”

Mr Manelusi says, “I believe this workshop has improved the skills of the RSIPF officers who attended to be able to pass on the knowledge to their colleague officers in order to operationalise the Crime Prevention Strategy.”

“I hope that this four days’ workshop has enabled the participants to be in a position to develop their work plans for the implementation of the Strategy,” says DC Manelusi.