Man arrested for alleged rape of young girl in Guadalcanal Province

A 47 year-old man who has been on the run following the alleged rape of an 18-year-old woman in the Tenaru area of Central Guadalcanal has been arrested by police in Malu’u, North Malaita on 30 April 2018.

It is alleged that on the morning of 8 April 2018, the woman was intending to travel to Honiara when she was taken on board a car at the Henderson area to Tenaru where she was allegedly raped by a passenger in the vehicle.

Acting Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “The successful arrest of the man was a result of cooperation between police at the Malu’u Police Station and community leaders there.”

PPC Manetoga adds: “I would like to thank the community leaders and police officers at Malu’u in North Malaita and my officers who have worked hard to locate the man who has been on the run since 8 April 2018.”

“The man has been transported to Honiara on 1 May 2018 and formally charged for one count of rape,” says PPC Manetoga.

He adds: “The man has been remanded at the Rove Correctional Centre by the Honiara Central Magistrate and expected to re-appear before the same court on 16 May 2018.”