Police arrest three people following water supply disruption in Small Malaita

Police at the Maka Police Post in Malaita Province have arrested three suspects for allegedly disrupting the water supply system at the Riverside Village on Small Malaita on 2 April 2018.

Operation Manager Malaita Province, Inspector Michael Maebiru says, “It was revealed that the alleged incident is associated with a dispute over a portion of land on which the water source is situated. The dispute occurred between members of the Tetele and Pululaha communities in Small Malaita.”

Inspector Maebiru says, “Currently a case has now been opened and the investigation into the matter has started. I appeal to members of the concerned communities to assist my officers with information related to this alleged incident.”

“I am happy that members of the Tawanialosi community went to the Riverside community to apologise to their leaders and people for the alleged action by some members of their community which has disturbed the water supply for the past few days. A small reconciliation ceremony was then conducted between the two parties. The water supply system to Riverside Village is now open again,” explains Mr Maebiru.

Inspector Maebiru says, “I urge leaders of the communities involved in the incident to advise members not to take any further action on the matter but allow the police to continue its investigation.”