New radio workshop for RSIPF

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in partnership with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) is pleased to announce the opening of the new RSIPF Radio Technician Workshop today 7 May 2018 at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

Officer-in-Charge of the RSIPF Radio Workshop, Inspector Hopkins Javele says, “In November 2017, the RSIPF Executive Team decided to relocate the radio workshop as part of a long term strategic development plan to enhance the capacity of the Force. The SIPDP program assisted the RSIPF by creating a new office space for the specialized unit. This new space includes:
• A new radio workshop, which allows the technicians to complete the radio repairs in a controlled environment and provides a large storage area;
• A new garage, which allows the technicians to safely and precisely complete radio installations into vehicles; and
• A new office for the Officer in Charge.

“The RSIPF appreciate the SIPDP support, as we continue to build our police force into a professional and progressive policing agency in the Pacific Region” says Inspector Javele.

The RSIPF Radio Workshop comprises of 3 technicians: OIC Radio Workshop Inspector Hopkins Javele, Staff Sergeant Jeff Sade and Sergeant Daniel Danitofea.

OIC, Inspector Javele explains: “The RSIPF Radio Technicians are responsible for the maintenance and repair of police equipment that permits the reception and transmission of communications. In addition, I and my officers have the job of maintaining and checking the entire RSIPF radio network and to repair any problems identified within the system.”

He adds: “In an increasingly digital world, the field of radio technicians is becoming more and more reliant on computer software and up to date equipment to serve their technology needs. The RISPF and SIPDP continue to work to enhance the RSIPF communication capabilities into the future.”