Police arrest two female for brewing kwaso

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force have arrested two female suspects for illegal brewing of kwaso at the Crusher are in White River, West Honiara 9 May 2018.

A 35-year-old and a 28-year-old female were arrested after police conducted a ground search warrant at the Crusher opposite the Karaina Settlement area.

The alleged suspects were apprehend at the Honiara Central Police station for further dealings and investigation.

Provincial Police Commander ( PPC), Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga says, “On 08 May 2018, my officers from the Liquor Squad received information from the community around White River that brewing and distilling of kwaso was being done at the Crusher opposite the Karaina Settlement.”

PPC Uiga says, “Based on the information we applied for a search warrant which gave effect to the raid in the afternoon of Wednesday 9 May. Officers involved included the Central Police Response team, Central Police Criminal Investigation Department, Police Response Team, Honiara City front line police and White River front line police.”

He says, “All the equipment for brewing of kwaso were confiscated and under police custody as police exhibits. The total value of kwaso confiscated is about $50,000.00.”

Mr Uiga says, “I would like to thank those communities who assisted police especially in the White River area and the Karaina settlement for their continous support to fight against this type of illegal activities in our communities.”

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend my officers for their tireless efforts to conduct this raid and arrested the suspects,” PPC Uiga adds.