Police investigate death of a 72-year-old man in Central Province

Police officers at Tulagi in the Central Province are investigating the death of a 72-year-old man on Savo Island on 10 March 2018 but only reported to police on 2 May 2018.

“It is alleged that prior to the discovery of the deceased on 10 March 2018, he was at his coconut plantation not far from his settlement at Guelomata near Koela Village on South Savo where his body was discovered the next day,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta.

PPC Leta explains: “As soon as the matter was reported to Tulagi Police Station, my officers started the investigation into the death. The investigation is continuing.”

“All deaths must be investigated properly to ascertain the cause of death. So far I cannot say whether it is a suspicious death or not,” adds PPC Leta.

Superintendent Leta says, “My condolence and sympathies to family members of the deceased for this unfortunate death of one of your family members. I urge anyone with information about the incident to come forward to assist my officers with their investigation.”

“I want to remind the relatives of the deceased not to listen to rumors or involve in any form of violence, but to assist with any information and allow police to investigate the case thoroughly.”

Tulagi Police Station can be contacted on phone numbers 32999 or 32117, or the Police Communication Centre on 23666.