Police in Central Province plan zero tolerance operation

Police in Central Province plan to soon mount an operation in the provincial capital Tulagi to clean up on anti-social behaviors like black markets, causing nuisance at night, marijuana, illegal brewing of alcohol, drunk and disorderly.

“Police in Tulagi have received information from leaders both at the provincial, community level as well as members of the Central Province Crime Prevention Council on such activities happening in this town. Police will not tolerate such activities and is prepared to take stern action against anyone who commit the crimes,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Central Province Superintendent Patricia Leta.

PPC Leta adds: “Police is still working closely with its sources of information to collect more and accurate information before it mounts the operation. We appeal to leaders and members of the community in Tulagi to continue to gather good evidence and supply it to my officers to ensure the operation will be a successful one.”

“I appreciate the fact that community leaders of Tulagi and members of the Central Province Crime Prevention Council are prepared to support this operation. Policing cannot be successful without the full cooperation of members of the communities in our country,” says Superintendent Leta.

She continues, “This will be the first time for such an operation to be happening here at Tulagi in the Central Province and we hope to extend this afterwards to the villages within and around Florida Islands.”