RSIPF remind travellers to think safety first as survivors discharged from hospital

Four of the five missing people who were rescued on 16 May on one of the islands in the Duff Islands in Temotu Province have now been discharged from the Lata Hospital after medical treatment while one of them is still undergoing treatment at the Hospital.

RSIPF officers successfully transported the four men and one child from the Duff Islands by the Police Patrol Boat Auki to Lata for medical treatment on 19 May 2018.

“They went missing on Friday 30 March 2018 after they experienced bad weather and eventually ran out of fuel while travelling from Lata to the Reef Islands. They then drifted until they landed at an uninhabited island in the Duff Islands on 12 May 2018. It was not until 16 May that they were found by local fishermen,” says Provincial Police Commander Temotu Province, Superintendent James Toaki.

He adds: “On board the patrol boat, we had a medical doctor and two senior nurses from Lata Hospital who upon arrival started examining the four men and one male child. An officer from the Temotu Education Authority plus two police officers from Lata were also on the patrol boat.”

He adds: “The men were admitted at Lata Hospital upon arrival, and four have been discharged on 22 May 2018 whilst one is still under treatment.”

“I want to thank the people of Tahua Village in the Duff Islands for your support and help in looking after the four men and one child until the patrol boat arrived to bring them to Lata,” says PPC Toaki.

“What happened to the five people should be a reminder especially to those who travel between the islands in small boats to think about safety first while travelling at sea. Ensure that you check the weather first before starting your journey. Also take extra fuel, paddles, extra battery for your mobile phone and make sure there are enough life jackets on board,” says PPC Toaki.

Police officers in Lata and the Temotu Education Authority are now making plans to transport the five people back to their homes in the Reef Islands after they have all be cleared by the medical authorities at the Lata Hospital.