RSIPF thank voters and supporters for crime-free Gizo/Kolombangara by election

The Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu thanks people in the Gizo Kolombangara constituency for a crime free by- election on 23 May 2018.

“I want to thank the good people of Gizo and Kolombangara for the outstanding behaviour displayed during the campaign by the various candidates, the actual day of the by-election, the counting of the votes and at the declaration of the outcome,” says PPC Lenialu.

He adds: “I would also like to thank church leaders, elders, community leaders, women, men, youth and children including supporters for making the whole process especially the day of the by election a crime free and peaceful day for all of us in the Gizo and Kolombangara constituency.”

He adds: “Let us continue to work together to make our communities a safer and peaceful place to live.”

“I also want to remind people in Western Province that the police will take stern action against anyone who takes the law into their own hands. Be responsible for your actions as police will not tolerate any criminal activities for example like, as a result of frustration from the outcome of the election and cause violence,” says PPC Lenialu.