Security Guards benefit from police training at Tulagi

Twelve provincial security guards for Central Provincial Government successfully completed a week workshop which was conducted by police in the Provincial Headquarter at Tulagi, Central Province.

The workshop was held in the provincial conference room at the provincial capital, Tulagi from 21 – 25 May 2018. This was after the Central Provincial Government wrote a letter to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Office of the Provincial Police Commander for Central Province, seeking police assistance to train its security officers.

Attendance at the closing of the workshop were Provincial Secretary (PS) Mr. Allen Siale Deputy Secretary (DPS) Mr. Metcalfe Puia, Provincial Admin Officer, Mr. Edward Namo, Central Province Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Inspector Hugo Maelasi, three facilitators of the RSIPF and twelve participant security officers.

Supervising PPC, Inspector Maelasi reminded the security officers during the closing ceremony on Friday 25 May 2018, “Your roles as security officers to provide security for the Central Provincial Government assets is very important and this is why the police has offered to provide training to you.”

He adds: “You are expected to demonstrate the high standards of ethics when you discharge your duties and expected to assist the police to maintain law and order in the Central Province.”

“I urge you to put into practice what you have learned from the week training,” says Supervising PPC Hugo Maelasi to the security guards.

Supervising PPC Maelasi says, “The twelve security guards were fortunate to attend the training provided by police to learn standard security roles and provisions in law to help them perform their duties according to law.”

“On behalf of the security officers, I would like to say, this training is an eye-opener for me and I believe my colleagues will also agree with me,” says the security guard representative spokesperson Mr. Jack Seke

He adds: “We really enjoyed the workshop which helps us to broaden our knowledge as security guards. And I would like to thank the facilitators, police officers from Tulagi Police Station who have been very instrumental to offer their time to provide the training to us.”

The Provincial Secretary of Central Provincial Government Mr. Allen Siale has acknowledged the police at Tulagi for conducting the training for guards of the Central Province.

Supervising PPC, Inspector Maelasi also thanked the Provincial Government for the initiative to make the workshop happen, as a way forward to boost security guards capability in the Central Province.