Police arrested driver of vehicle involved in fatal accident at Tenaru area

Police at Henderson Police Station are investigating a fatal accident which resulted to the death of 41-year-old man at Tenaru area in Central Guadalcanal today, 27 May 2018.

It is alleged prior to the accident, the deceased was sitting behind a double cabin Hilux vehicle which was travelling along Tenaru main road when the vehicle went off track the road and ditched into a drain.

It is further alleged the driver of the vehicle was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.

Guadalcanal Province, Acting Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “My officers are investigating a fatal accident which resulted to the death of a 41-year-old man at Tenaru Road in Central Guadalcanal early this morning.”

He adds: “The driver of the vehicle involved has been arrested and is in police custody for questioning.”

“This is an unfortunate incident and my condolences to the families, relatives and friends of the deceased and also to Tenaru School Management for your loss; our prayers are with you at this time of bereavement and may his soul rest in peace with our good Lord,” says PPC Manetoga.

He says, “There were three other passengers also inside the same vehicle the deceased was travelling in and they have been taken to the Honiara National Referral Hospital for medical attention as they were alleged to receive minor injuries.”

“There a lot of messages been given by police of no drink and drive, those messages are for the safety of drivers and passengers and public as well, but still lots of drivers continues to ignore these safety messages. As PPC Guadalcanal, I want to remind my good people living and travelling in Guadalcanal Province not to drink alcohol and drive. If you drink alcohol, don’t drive. Find someone who has a valid driving license and is not affected by alcohol to drive,” says Superintendent Manetoga.