Police investigate death of an adult male at Lengakiki

Police investigators in Honiara are investigating a death of an adult male at Lengakiki area in West Honiara since 27 May 2018, early hours in the morning.

The matter is being investigated jointly by investigators from Honiara Central Police Station and the National Criminal Investigation Division (NCID).

Honiara Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga says, “It is too early to speculate about the cause of the death. As through police initial enquiry, the body was discovered by the deceased wife and other relatives on the morning of 27 May 2018; on the first floor of Testimony Motel at Lengakiki area.”

“My condolence to relatives of the deceased during this time of bereavement and may his soul rest in peace with our good Lord,” says PPC Uiga.

He says, “I appeal to relatives of the deceased to cooperate with police investigation and provide more information, for an appropriate outcome to the likely cause of death”

He adds: “I also appeal to anyone with information about the death at Lengakiki area to come forward and assist police with its investigation.”

Police at Honiara Central Police Station can be contacted on phone number 23304 or can pass to Police Communication Centre to these phone numbers 23666 or free toll line 999.