Alleged missing boy remains found after crocs attack in Guadalcanal Province

Guadalcanal Police confirm alleged body parts of a young boy allegedly attacked by a crocodile found during a search conducted today 29 May 2018 at Singe village, North East Guadalcanal.

Acting Provincial Police Commander (PPC) for Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “I can confirm that members from Singe Village have found few pieces alleged to belong to the missing boy’s body and clothes. The pieces found have been put into a coffin for a proper burial; the remaining body of the child is yet to be retrieved.”

“This is a sad outcome for the families of the missing child and also for the teams involved in the search. The search is continuing,” he added.

PPC Manetoga says, “Last night (28 May 2018), at about 8pm, Tetere police received a report from Singe community reported a boy between 5 to 6-year-old was attacked by a crocodile while swimming in a pool (creek) near Singe Village.”

PPC Manetoga further urged parents to take extra care to look after their children and be able to know their whereabouts to avoid such sad incidents to happen in the future. My prayers and condolence to the family of the young boy during this time of sorrow.”

“I appeal to my people in Guadalcanal Province to report sighting of crocodiles to police so that arrangement can be made for police to hunt and try to destroy these reptiles; for a safer community,” says PPC Manetoga.

Family and relatives of the boy have since searched the area overnight but could not find the boy as it was very dark.

Police Response Team (PRT) and Tetere police are assisting relatives of the boy to set up traps to destroy crocodiles at the area the boy was missing.

Police at Tetere can be contacted on phone 34508 or call Henderson Police on phone 36200 or police emergency line 999 and provide information to police about the missing boy.