Community at Grassland area in Honiara benefit from Crime Prevention Talk

Community at Grassland-Kwaio Settlement in East Honiara, behind King George VI (KGVI) area benefit from police crime prevention awareness talk conducted on 27 May 2018.

National Community Policing officer, Sergeant John Manegaua says, My team on Sunday, 27 May had conducted an awareness talk at the newly settlement, Kwaio Settlement, behind KG VI area in which more than one hundred people attended the awareness talk.”

He says, “The aim of the awareness talk is to educate community members about Modern Crime Prevention Strategy Policing; as part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy.”

“There has been positive feedback at that time from community leaders during the awareness talk resulted with a strong support to work together with the police. This is to address issues affecting their community, like disturbance from youths involve in kwaso (locally fermented alcohol) consumption and alleged use of marijuana (drug known as Indian hemp),” says Sergeant Manegaua.

He adds: “The community leaders agreed to set up a crime prevention committee to work along with the police to deal with minor crimes like disturbance and control of consumption of alcohol in their community.”

He says, “The leaders also agreed to set a date to meet and elect their crime prevention committee members to come up with a by-law to be imposed as mandated by the community to manage their community activities and will be presented to police for perusal.”

The community leaders at the end of the presentation expressed words of thanks to the police as this was the first time police visit their community and conduct awareness talk.

The next awareness talk will be at Green Valley in East Honiara on Sunday 3 June 2018, at 2:00 Pm.