Police arrest suspect for burning of logging machines in Temotu

Police at Lata in Temotu Province have arrested an alleged suspect for burning of four bulldozers and two excavator machines at Naedirke bush, in Santa Cruz Islands on 30 May 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Superintendent James Toaki says, “At about 5pm yesterday (Wednesday) morning my officers arrested the suspect from his home village.”

Superintendent Toaki says, “The suspect has been charged with four counts in relation to the burning incident. The suspect is currently in police custody and expected to appear before magistrate for remand application.”

PPC Toaki says, “This is a sad outcome, resulted to the burning of the machines allegedly involving a member from community. There are ways to solve problem, rather than burning of machines.”

“Currently investigation are continuing into the burning incident which we need community support by providing information to police,” says Mr Toaki.

Police at Lata can be contacted on phone 53184 or call Police Communication Centre on phone 23666 or police free toll line 999.