RSIPF investigate alleged arson cases in Renbel Province

Police investigations into two alleged arson cases in West Rennell, Rennell and Bellona Province have been boosted with the involvement of investigators from the National Crime Intelligence and Forensic departments from the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

The alleged arson cases happened near Kanava Village on West Rennell in May 2017. It is further alleged that the two cases involved two groups of boys.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Rennell and Bellona Province, Sergeant Chris Tongaka says, “We welcome the additional investigators from Police Headquarters in Honiara as this will certainly assist police here in Tigoa to deal with this matter.”

“I appeal to members of the communities in and around Kanava Village who may have information about the two alleged arson cases to come forward and assist the investigation. People with information can contact the Tigoa Police Station,” says Supervising PPC Sergeant Tongaka.

He adds: “I urge people in West Rennell to allow the police to do its work and not to take the law into their own hands.”