RSIPF mount zero tolerance operation on Rennell

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) plan to mount a zero tolerance operation in Tigoa, in the Rennell and Bellona Province to help curb the anti-social behaviour currently experienced at the provincial capital.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Rennell and Bellona Province, Sergeant Chris Tongaka says, “Police here at Tigoa have observed that there has been an increase in nuisance at the provincial capital and nearby communities including breaching of the provincial traffic ordnance, regulations and the Traffic Act.”

“The Police here in Tigoa are pleased to know that most of the surrounding communities and community officers have pledged their support for the Zero Tolerance operation which is scheduled for June 2018,” says Sergeant Tongaka.

He adds: “I would like to appeal to the general public of West Rennell to support the police maintain law and order and uphold the laws of Solomon Island so that everyone can live in a peaceful and safe environment.”