RSIPF officers in Renbel plan to increase community awareness

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in the Rennell and Bellona Province plan to increase their community awareness in villages throughout the province as part of the Crime Prevention Strategy implementation.

“Police are concerned about the safety and security of our people in this Province so we see it as fitting that we inform our communities about the laws in this country which help people to respect each other to leave in peace and harmony,” Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Rennell and Bellona Province, Sergeant Chris Tongaka

Sergeant Tongaka adds: “We have seen an increase in cases of nuisance and drunk and disorderly as well as people disregarding the provincial traffic ordnances and regulations as well as the Traffic Act as more people have access to wealth and purchase motor vehicles. There seems to be also an increase in the cases of domestic violence and consumption of homebrew.”

He adds: “ I want to appeal to community leaders as well as women and children to assist police to get the messages to our people especially on how we can all work together to prevent crime from our communities. Preventing crime is not only for the police but it’s a responsibility for everyone.”