PNG Commissioner of Police visits RSIPF facilities

The visiting Commissioner of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC), Gari Baki has expressed interest in some of the facilities of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) which included the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) facility at Hells Point in East Honiara today (5 June 2018).

During the visit to the EOD at Hells Point east of Honiara, Commissioner Baki and his delegation witnessed a live bomb demolition.

Officer In-charge (OIC) of EOD Inspector Clifford Tunuki says, “The program started with welcome remarks followed by a safety briefing to all team members who attended the demolition.”

OIC Tunuki says, “During the demolition of the unexploded booms the RPNGC Commissioner Baki was given the privilege to bush the switch button to explode the unexploded bombs.”

Inspector Tunuki says, “There was also a short presentation on the capabilities of EOD to deal with unexploded bombs and a chance was given to the members of the delegation to ask questions.”

In response Commissioner Baki says, “I am happy that the MoU was signed between the RSIPF and the RPNGC yesterday (4 June). I am interested in your (EOD) expertise in diving and I will look at the possibility of my officers getting exposed to it.”

The RPNGC Commissioner and his delegation also visited the RSIPF Maritime Department at the Aola Base and the Fire and Rescue Services at the Central Fire Station in Honiara.