RSIPF blast 500-pound bomb in Shortland Islands

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team have removed a United States 500-pound bomb from Toumoa Village in the Shortland Islands on 29 May 2018 during the recent Coast Watchers Exercise in the Western Province.

Officer-In-charge (OIC) of RSIPF EOD, Inspector Clifford Tunuki says, “The EOD team removed the bomb which was located three metres from a house at Toumoa Village and was threatening the safety of villagers. It was later blasted safely at sea. RSIPF EOD obtained all relevant approaches for the safe destruction of the bomb.”

OIC Tunuki says “The RSIPF Commissioner Mathew Varley, the British High Commissioner, H.E David Ward and Assistant Commissioner Provincial (AC) Joseph Manelugu witnessed the blasting of the bomb.”

Inspector Tunuki adds: “Shortly after the blasting, the Commissioner of Police and his team met with the Chief and elders of Toumoa Village and discussed issues at the common border with Papua New Guinea which are affecting the livelihood of people in the Shortland Islands.”

“The Chief of Toumoa and his elders acknowledged the presence of RSIPF Commissioner Varley and his team as he is the first Commissioner to visit their village. The community chief also thanked the RSIPF for the safe removal and blasting of the bomb which posed a threat to the daily lives of people in the Village,” says Inspector Tunuki.

RSIPF appeal to the communities who might see any of those types of bombs to report it to the EOD Team on phone 7495215 or call the Police Communication Centre on phone 23600 or the Police free toll line 999.