RSIPF benefit from Coast Watcher Exercise in Western Province

More than thirty officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have been awarded with certificates for completing the Coast Watchers Exercise in Western Province on 2 June 2018.

The Coast Watcher Exercise was held in the Western Province from 21 May to 2 June 2018. It comprised of RSIPF officers, National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), office of the Electoral Commissioner and the Western Provincial Disaster Operational Committee. The Exercise focused on the humanitarian response during a disaster event and how the different agencies will work together to ensure a quicker response in the time of a disaster. It also practised on election security scenario as the RSIPF prepares for the 2019 National General Election.

RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley, British High Commissioner, H.E David Ward and RSIPF Assistant Commissioner (AC) for Provincial Police, Joseph Manelugu attended the closing program and presented the certificates to all course participants during the official closing of the Coast Watcher Exercise which was held at Gizo, in Western Province.

The First Mission Commander of the Coast Watchers Exercise, RSIPF Inspector Edwin Sevoa says, “There were 30 RSIPF officers consisting of Police Response Team (PRT), Central Response Unit (CRU), Guadalcanal Provincial Response Unit (G-PRU), Western Provincial Response Unit (W-PRU), National Emergency Management Special Event Planning (NEMSEP), Police Maritime and Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit (EOD) Team and other stake holders from the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), the Electoral Office and Provincial Disaster Operation Committee (PDOC).”

“The training has no doubt equipped RSIPF officers and staff of other government agencies and our stakeholders to acquire a number of skills during the two - week exercise which was conducted in Gizo and the Shortland Islands in Western Province,” says Inspector Sevoa.

He explains, “The Exercise was conducted in two phases. The first phase was conducted from 21_ 26 May 2018 in Gizo where all course participants undertook First Aid, Navigation, Boarding and Rescue, and Communication training.”

“On 23 May 2018, the training stopped and RSIPF participants were directed to support the RSIPF members in Western Province to provide security during the by-election for Gizo/Kolombangara constituency. I am happy the participants contributed to the peaceful outcome of the bye-election,” says Inspector Sevoa.

The Second Mission Commander of the Coast Watchers Exercise, RSIPF Inspector Clifford Tunuki says, “Phase two of the Coast Watchers Exercise was conducted at two different locations. Half of the participants were based at Gizo and continued on with the exercise while the other half of the participants including half of the 10 officers of the Australian Defence Force, three members of the Provincial Disaster Operation Committee and three members of the Electoral Office travelled on the patrol boat Lata on 29 May 2018 to the Shortland Islands.”

He adds: “The Exercise in Shortland Islands commenced on 30 May 2018, which involved different scenarios held within various villages in the Shortlands.”

“I would like to thank the 10 Australian Defence Force personnel who offered their time to facilitate this important exercise which was funded by the Australian Government under its Defence Cooperation Program,” says First Mission Commander of the Coast Watchers Exercise, Inspector Sevoa.

The local chief and elders acknowledged the presence of the RSIPF Commissioner Varley and his team during the visit.