Police in Malaita Province clamp down on kwaso

Police in Auki, Malaita Province is clamping down on the production of the illegal substance kwaso with the recent raid on two separate locations near the provincial capital on 6 June 2018.

Police confiscated large amounts of distilled kwaso at two different locations including Ambu Village and in the Tiki area near the Aligegeo Provincial Secondary School.

A suspect was arrested at Ambu Village and placed in police custody whilst the other two suspects in the Tiki area escaped police.

“This is the second time within a period of one month that Police have raided the Tiki area for brewing of kwaso. We are working very hard to curb these illegal activities,” says Acting Provincial Police Commander, Timothy Apaesi.

He adds: “We cannot do this alone. We need the support of our communities to get rid of kwaso which is one of the drivers of crime within our communities.”

He adds: “I want to thank elders of both communities for working together with the police as we fight against these types of criminal activities and call on those who continuously to be involved to refrain from such illegal activities.”

Police in Auki can be contacted on phone 40132 or Police Communications Centre on 23666 or the police toll free number 999.