Police arrest four suspects for alleged robbery in Renbel Province

Officers of the National Criminal Investigations Department (NCID) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have arrested four suspects on 15 June 2018 in relation to an alleged vehicle robbery incident on Rennell Island in the Rennell and Bellona Province

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Crime and Intelligence, Ian Vaevaso says, “The arrest happened after a vehicle robbery incident occurred on West Rennell in February this year. It is alleged that the four suspects detained a dump truck owned by the World Link Mining Company.”

AC Vaevaso says, “My officers charged the suspects for alleged robbery contrary to section 293 (1) (a) of the Penal Code and demanding money with menace contrary to section 295 of the Code.”

Mr Vaevaso adds: “The suspects, who were arrested in West Honiara, were later placed in custody at the Honiara Central Police Station watch house to wait for their remand application at the Central Magistrate Court on 17 June 2018. After the hearing, the court decided to further remand the three suspects at the Rove Correctional Centre until Monday 18 June for a proper bail application in Court.”

“After the hearing of the application from both the Prosecution and Defence Counsels, the Court decided to release all the four suspects on strict bail conditions. The suspects signed the conditions as ordered by the Court,” says AC Vaevaso.

The four suspects will reappear in Court on 10 July 2018.