RSIPF deploy three more officers to UN Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is deploying three more officers to the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur, South Sudan in Africa. They will depart on Saturday 23 June 2018.

They are Inspector Agnes Ape, Sergeant Charles Alisineuli and Sergeant Andrea Kierre. This contingent will be headed by Inspector Agnes Ape.

“This mission marks another great achievement for Solomon Islands, more particularly the RSIPF,” says Supervising Police Commissioner, Juanita Matanga.

She adds, “To the three officers, let me congratulate you for successfully meeting all the criteria that are required of you. As you have experienced in you preparations, this is not an easy task, but you have stepped up to the mark.”

She continues, “As you prepare to leave the country, I want to remind you that RSIPF and the country are expecting you to be our ambassadors at the international level. We do not ask for more or less but we ask you to display professionalism at all times when serving abroad. Your journey is yet to begin and I wish you all the best as you are ready to be deployed.”

“To your family members, you should be proud of these officers for having successfully achieved the criteria as outlined by the UN Mission. Having a family member away for a year won’t be easy. There will be a lot of challenges ahead not only for you but also for them. And in order for them to complete their mission, the RSIPF will look to you to support and understand them so that they too can complete their mission,” says Ms Matanga

Speaking at the same occasion, Minister of Police National Security and Correctional services, Hon. Moses Garu says, “I wish to congratulate the three of you and applaud you for demonstrating your excellent commitment and professionalism for this UN Mission.”

He adds: “To our first female officers for the UN Deployment; you are truly an inspiration and a beacon of motivation for other female police officers to work consistently towards being accepted for UN deployment missions overseas in the future.”

He adds: “To the three officers, the Government, RSIPF and the people of Solomon Islands pledge our full support to you for your mission overseas. And we will pray for your safety and security as you serve in the UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur, South Sudan.”

“To your families who will remain back in the country, I acknowledge your tireless support, understanding and cooperation as well with the three officers. I trust that we will collectively support our officers for this important deployment,” says Hon. Garu.

The three officers, who leave Honiara this Saturday 23 June 2018, will be deployed for one year, along four other RSIPF officers who left late last year on the same Mission. The RSIPF started deploying officers to the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur in 2016. With the three officers just commissioned, it brings the total number of RSIPF officers deployed so far on the UN Mission to 12.