Police remind people public order offences will not be tolerated

Police officers at the Central Police Station, Honiara City have arrested and charged two male persons for consumption of liquor in a public place on 16 June 2018.

“The two accused were drinking outside of the Telekom Office at Point Cruz when police officers sighted them drinking what was suspected to be kwaso,” says Provincial Police Commander Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga.

“Police officers apprehend them and took them to the Central Police Station where they were formally arrested and charged for the offence of consumption of liquor in a public place.”

He explained: “They were brought to the Central Magistrates Court where they pleaded guilty to the charge and were fined $500.00 each. They were ordered to pay the fine by 27 June 2018 and on failure to pay the fine, both men will be sent to prison.”

“Consumption of liquor in public place is an offence. If you buy your beer, please go home and consume it there and do not consume it in public. There are also licensed premises where you can buy your alcohol and consume it there,” says PPC Uiga.

He adds: “With the upcoming Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Festival of Arts and the 40th Anniversary of Independence, police will adopt a zero tolerance stance to anyone caught consuming alcohol in the public including in vehicles driving around in the city.”

“Our capital city will be hosting both local and overseas guests in the coming weeks so the police want to ensure our community is safe from such unruly behaviour by a few members of our community,” says PPC Uiga.

“And as the FIFA World Cup is entering the elimination and the final stages, I want to strongly remind our sports loving citizens to enjoy the tournament and show respect to other members of our community when celebrating the win of your favourite teams. Celebrate within the safety of your homes,” says PPC Uiga.