Magistrates Court in Makira-Ulawa Province sentences seven youth

The Magistrates Court at Kirakira in the Makira-Ulawa Province has sentenced seven male youth on 21 June 2018 after being found guilty on charges relating to an incident at the Pirupiru Community High School on Ulawa Island.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Makira-Ulawa Province, Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “The Court heard that on 28 May 2018 the seven youth entered the Pirupiru Community High school on Ulawa Island with bush knives and threatened the students and staff as well as damaged school property.”

PPC Sitai explains: “The defendants were sentenced as follows:
• Two male defendants in their 20s’ were sentenced to five months imprisonment each after being found guilty on charges of malicious damage, intimidation and criminal trespass. The sentence is to run concurrently.

• The other five juvenile youth were bound over for the same three offences committed by the two other two defendants as they are juveniles.”

Superintendent Sitai says, “I would like to thank my officers for successfully investigating the case and bringing the suspects to Court. The work is not easy but this is what members of the public expect us the Police to do to protect people in our communities from such criminal behaviour.”

“Be reminded, committing offences of trespass, threatening people and damage of private and public property is illegal according to the Penal Code of Solomon Islands,” says PPC Sitai.